Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I am ...

From a childhood with multiple generations of gaming in sudden and quick succession
from 8-bit Nes to advanced polygon rendering of the Ps3 and many of the Console generations in between.
 I am from a crazy childhood both fun and confusing. I am from also from a family way too big, and a house just and if not only way too small.
  I am a child who faintly remembers the many hours of travel (and the many stories from said time).
I am clumsy and socially awkward. I am or at least try to be an avid gamer from both late and tired nights. I am from a past where the days felt as slow as a snail's trail, or slower than molasses in January.
 I am a boy who lived in California for 2 weeks of his life, and who took things too literally.
I was once a boy who used to be illiterate, irresponsible, who is far more cautious than before when I took the very heavy risks.
 I am a person who was in love with Dungeons and Dragons.
I am now a man, and I still love the classics when it came to tittles (video games), shows, and sometimes music from either, or even both.
  I am a much better reader, and most certainly by extension far a much better writer.
I never really learned to write in mirror writing.
I am from one of the last few groups of people can, or that learned to write in cursive in elementary school 
My favorite quote is:
  " the only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing"- Edmund Burke
                                                               I am ...
                                                        Jeremy cotter