Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Of Evening Tides

Evening Hush, Victory Blue, Stained Glass, and of Violet hue

There once was a story, It began with the dawn
  A magnificent Violet hue, a hue of a hue that remarkably struck true as
A light Evening hush A volley with deep contrast it's beauty only contested for
 By the lights of the stars themselves or the oceans deep purest beauty a blue
there was once a noble beast of starlight with hide and hair that in and of itself
  Was a requiem to the Divine(s) colored pure Golden/white like the majesty of
 the stars A star made of tears of will and of hope, It's fur and hide like a Stained glass window
to the soul but it was so beautiful that hunters and trapper's a like sought it's hide and fur
Until one day it was hit the noble beast, by someone of wicked heart,
 but it was too beautiful and the trapper so wicked that it's fur of starlight turned
Red and the divine(s) cursed the cruel and wicked hunter so that he could never harm another beast again, The tears that fell were those of sorrow a shade of Victory blue.

(I do not own the elder scrolls nor any of Bethesda's properties this image is from nor the rights to the series or franchise especially skyrim)


1 comment:

  1. Great job! Your poetic phrases are powerful...noble beast of starlight...requiem to the Divine...A star made of tears of will and of hope... Nice!
