Friday, February 5, 2016

   Objects that were important/ had significant meaning to me... (rough draft)

 I remember that there was a(n) Item that I once held dear and it would or might actually be... 
I remember that there was a book that I really loved for the longest of times and that it motivated me to become quite the avid reader that I am to this day (or at least more so that I may recall). The book was titled: (the Bartimaeous trilogy) the Amulet of Samarkand By:Johnathan Stroud and I remember when I first got it I must have been thirteen years old/ of age I was really excited when I received a book and when I received it then and onwards I became deeply infatuated or enamored with the genre that is fantasy. For a while I couldn't find the time to start reading the great chapter book of many pages or what seemed to be so then but may not quite be the length that I remember but (even) still it certainly still has great length that could be compared to the volume of gallons water in of or within a lake. I may remember it for sometime to come or to be when as or where as it may still hold great memories of the hours when I started to invested more and more time into literature...

 Or another memory that was significant to me was when my Mother and (Step-)Father had given me a phone it was valentines day last year, to me it had held to me then it was a tool of ,and for communication that was given to me so I would grow into a more responsible person and so that I would also be able to communicate with them more easily (primarily) whether it would be of the written text, or the spoken word it was that and had always and was thus expected would be that.
 Until I learned more about what the (phone) it could do or be used for/to do (and realized that I hadn't the foggiest or faintest of an idea of how to text so yeah for while I was clueless). The phone was rather interesting to me as each day passed for about the first month or so I would gradually learn more and more about it and in doing so or in turn would also gain a greater grasp or understanding of the way it works the various functions and at some point within the first week or so (I almost resembled a drone (disoriented instead of organized) with how out of tune with reality I seemed) and as such didn't really pay attention as much but that was no excuse how I had acted then. The point where it was more then a tool for communicating was when I had learned that I could access the internet or wi-fi  it in much more honesty had become so much more especially after finding a whole new means to access the alternate plane/realm that is cyber-space and it truly became extraordinary for me when I found a few site that was dedicated to fan-fiction and creative writing.

1 comment:

  1. You have interesting insight on how objects change in meaning, like your phone. I connected with your observations, too, about how in the beginning it was nothing more than communication and now I can't operate without it! Great description! Thanks!
