Thursday, March 3, 2016

To write the wrong(s) of the paper and pen

I am not Don Quixote nor am I Heracles but I am a person with passion and strength
of greater proportion than imaginable it may not be physical/brute strength but it is the power
of the pen that is what makes many such as I so powerful as we all could or can thus be
For it is that which gives us the ability to write for a better world of tomorrow and maybe for
a better today. There is much that a writer can do, as a writer it is within our own power to do what ever we can and like achiles I too am human and as such have weaknesses but it is that which allows me to be a writer, that is the power of a writer, to write worlds, people, and more into existence and
possibly write how their life may chronicle pan out or bitterly and sadly conclude and
the goal of the writer is that of a word and to understand the power of any word and the power behind
it as well as how it is used or defined, so as I am a writer, and I too shall right the wrongs of the world by paper and pen (or with the/my arsenal of other tools that may form the written/typed word).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the inspiring words. You are so right. Words are powerful..."an arsenal of other tools..." Well said!
