Tuesday, April 12, 2016

exchange experience and reflection

I didn't really learn much during the exchange much of what was spoken about was based on information that I knew prior to the exchange. I am a little sad that I couldn't ask if there were any immense differences between cultural norms, or social cultural exchanges/or practices that are considered either acceptable or polite. However I learned the Chinese adjective for nervous is jǐnzhāng 张. Aside from the expression portrait activity the group I was with discussed education, and some difference in school and hours, for example in America students can have a part time job where as in China students can't because they need to spend more time studying, and the reason many students are adamant about their studies would be due to the inability to choose the major they may like if their grade isn't high enough so students may be far more competitive and strive for the best grade in addition there is a greater limit with majors for degrees. The group that the exchange was between consisted of two of my classmates and two-three exchange students. The English names of the people we had exchanged with were Jack and Jackie who were both teachers and they had both agreed that School is much more strict and classes were often more disciplined. I would like to be in contact with them again someday but I have no idea if I will. During their time here my group had toured four classrooms (because that was about all we had time for) the class rooms which were visited during the tour were: the forensics/ ecology classroom, earth science, material and processing, and the art class where we had afterwards concluded our tour at the library they had many comments, however I don't remember either of the people taking photos as we had toured the building and really can't recall any of the comments made at the time. As that experience was not an ordinary class lesson I was a little nervous and felt slightly anxious about how it would go, I feel that I had a similar mind set about the world and as such I still acknowledge that Culture can influence people, and that the world is a large place and like anyone we are each curious in our own ways however that doesn't mean that we all react the same way/similarly beyond that I feel that our guests may have felt that it was a significantly larger impact for them, and it has impacted like the group each of us are interested in learning more about the others culture. Sadly I don't have any pictures from the exchange. However if Parkview were to do something like this again I would feel much better if we had more time aside from that I would really love to do something like this again.    

Monday, March 21, 2016

A song of regret

A vivid image painted in the horizon the dancing lights of an aurora
 The requiem of a tranquil breeze in the airs of spring
winter has ended and thus another year has come to pass
Not a day goes by where I can't stop myself from wondering
What if? and then it fills me with a feeling of remorse the horrible
ichor of jealous and I ask my self why? was it only because
I had done nothing was it because all I could do was nothing
 and with that my shield cracks and slowly my armor chips and fills
with faults as it gradually withers and weakens to nothingness
How long before it gives way and when it does will I feel
sorrow, remorse, or guilt perhaps only because maybe there was
something I could have done maybe should have done
and it fills me with great regret so what will become of this shell
that resembles me yet isn't and I ask who is it that I have become
when I look into the mirror who is it that truly looks back at me?
Am I real anymore, am I still a good man?
what is gone has long since passed but no longer remains within my grasp
for it has passed and shall always be but a faint memory that has burned
itself into my mind will I be able to sleep again who is it that I see
and then I ask a friend again where is it that I have found myself/woken
Who is it that I see none other than myself oh whoa is this err to see
with plume ink and pen I look at the page before myself to illustrate the path before me
and once more I seek to find myself even as lost as I am
I simply must know who I am and when did I no longer resemble who I was
what has lead me to these changes always forever and so...
I seek to know again why It is so and how I have changed
and so to you I bid thee well and wish for ye a good evening
and may you rest as I cannot or as I may no longer and as it may and as it is
it shall remain a dream

Friday, March 4, 2016

The aurora of the evening

There was a beautiful Aurora swimming through the sky
the colors within make me think back to the last evening that had such beauty,
it was of a time where once I was within the calm that followed the storm not preceding but nearby the sky had a green and yellowish color at the hour of the evening of six the sky had a majestic hue which I long to capture within film as my perception of that sky is weathered and nearly gone but to capture the essence of natures beauty and so it to deprive oneself of her majesty as seen once it is an awe inspiring scene but too remove its unique perchance is indeed to spite her beauty.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

To write the wrong(s) of the paper and pen

I am not Don Quixote nor am I Heracles but I am a person with passion and strength
of greater proportion than imaginable it may not be physical/brute strength but it is the power
of the pen that is what makes many such as I so powerful as we all could or can thus be
For it is that which gives us the ability to write for a better world of tomorrow and maybe for
a better today. There is much that a writer can do, as a writer it is within our own power to do what ever we can and like achiles I too am human and as such have weaknesses but it is that which allows me to be a writer, that is the power of a writer, to write worlds, people, and more into existence and
possibly write how their life may chronicle pan out or bitterly and sadly conclude and
the goal of the writer is that of a word and to understand the power of any word and the power behind
it as well as how it is used or defined, so as I am a writer, and I too shall right the wrongs of the world by paper and pen (or with the/my arsenal of other tools that may form the written/typed word).

A question to myself: Who am I?

I am who I am regardless of my name
I am who I am even if I may change
I am who I am whatever is to become of me
I am who I am and will always be myself/me
I am someone who may make mistakes, may have regrets, and sorrows
but as such is within myself and also for I am Human
am I still curious to who I may be the only way to know for certain is to

  I will make mistakes and errors and as such to all who know I am (a) Human!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Another Kind of blue

Another watchful evening sky

The sky a brilliant auburn gradually receding to blue
 the brilliant shades of the sky perched
within the clouds to resemble the siren's call
A cool evening hush is a brilliant flower of the
noon a second to glance upon for but only the briefest of
a shy moments reprieve to chance upon the dreams
of a compassionate sight that is the cool hush of the evening
and so too is a part to rest as dusk shall be there forthwith.   

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Of Evening Tides

Evening Hush, Victory Blue, Stained Glass, and of Violet hue

There once was a story, It began with the dawn
  A magnificent Violet hue, a hue of a hue that remarkably struck true as
A light Evening hush A volley with deep contrast it's beauty only contested for
 By the lights of the stars themselves or the oceans deep purest beauty a blue
there was once a noble beast of starlight with hide and hair that in and of itself
  Was a requiem to the Divine(s) colored pure Golden/white like the majesty of
 the stars A star made of tears of will and of hope, It's fur and hide like a Stained glass window
to the soul but it was so beautiful that hunters and trapper's a like sought it's hide and fur
Until one day it was hit the noble beast, by someone of wicked heart,
 but it was too beautiful and the trapper so wicked that it's fur of starlight turned
Red and the divine(s) cursed the cruel and wicked hunter so that he could never harm another beast again, The tears that fell were those of sorrow a shade of Victory blue.

(I do not own the elder scrolls nor any of Bethesda's properties this image is from nor the rights to the series or franchise especially skyrim)


Stained Glass Blue

Stained window

Of glass that is green of blue and yellow
 there is a hue shade or tint
What ever is this or of what these colors 
are? they dance and chase each other all day forming 
 rapport and revelry with splendors of calm tranquility
what are they and by what means are they to you
What color is there or what colors aren't present
Is all one needs to ask for there it is a name
 A Word so simple A phrase so sweet, and Bright there it is within
Stained Glass Blue what lies beyond the window?


Evening Hush

Evening Hush the story of dusk

Evening tides, every
Veil of the touching sky of voice
Enamor(ous) as the
Intertwined/interlocking the fingers of the sky as lace of starlight
Night's gentle (tranquil)touch
Glorious (Grand) and Beautiful

Her Name
Ushers a
Song that
Has a grace, a beauty to calm the restless, and ease them into peaceful stupor.

Friday, February 5, 2016

   Objects that were important/ had significant meaning to me... (rough draft)

 I remember that there was a(n) Item that I once held dear and it would or might actually be... 
I remember that there was a book that I really loved for the longest of times and that it motivated me to become quite the avid reader that I am to this day (or at least more so that I may recall). The book was titled: (the Bartimaeous trilogy) the Amulet of Samarkand By:Johnathan Stroud and I remember when I first got it I must have been thirteen years old/ of age I was really excited when I received a book and when I received it then and onwards I became deeply infatuated or enamored with the genre that is fantasy. For a while I couldn't find the time to start reading the great chapter book of many pages or what seemed to be so then but may not quite be the length that I remember but (even) still it certainly still has great length that could be compared to the volume of gallons water in of or within a lake. I may remember it for sometime to come or to be when as or where as it may still hold great memories of the hours when I started to invested more and more time into literature...

 Or another memory that was significant to me was when my Mother and (Step-)Father had given me a phone it was valentines day last year, to me it had held to me then it was a tool of ,and for communication that was given to me so I would grow into a more responsible person and so that I would also be able to communicate with them more easily (primarily) whether it would be of the written text, or the spoken word it was that and had always and was thus expected would be that.
 Until I learned more about what the (phone) it could do or be used for/to do (and realized that I hadn't the foggiest or faintest of an idea of how to text so yeah for while I was clueless). The phone was rather interesting to me as each day passed for about the first month or so I would gradually learn more and more about it and in doing so or in turn would also gain a greater grasp or understanding of the way it works the various functions and at some point within the first week or so (I almost resembled a drone (disoriented instead of organized) with how out of tune with reality I seemed) and as such didn't really pay attention as much but that was no excuse how I had acted then. The point where it was more then a tool for communicating was when I had learned that I could access the internet or wi-fi  it in much more honesty had become so much more especially after finding a whole new means to access the alternate plane/realm that is cyber-space and it truly became extraordinary for me when I found a few site that was dedicated to fan-fiction and creative writing.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I am ...

From a childhood with multiple generations of gaming in sudden and quick succession
from 8-bit Nes to advanced polygon rendering of the Ps3 and many of the Console generations in between.
 I am from a crazy childhood both fun and confusing. I am from also from a family way too big, and a house just and if not only way too small.
  I am a child who faintly remembers the many hours of travel (and the many stories from said time).
I am clumsy and socially awkward. I am or at least try to be an avid gamer from both late and tired nights. I am from a past where the days felt as slow as a snail's trail, or slower than molasses in January.
 I am a boy who lived in California for 2 weeks of his life, and who took things too literally.
I was once a boy who used to be illiterate, irresponsible, who is far more cautious than before when I took the very heavy risks.
 I am a person who was in love with Dungeons and Dragons.
I am now a man, and I still love the classics when it came to tittles (video games), shows, and sometimes music from either, or even both.
  I am a much better reader, and most certainly by extension far a much better writer.
I never really learned to write in mirror writing.
I am from one of the last few groups of people can, or that learned to write in cursive in elementary school 
My favorite quote is:
  " the only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing"- Edmund Burke
                                                               I am ...
                                                        Jeremy cotter